SEE WHERE THIS TAKES YOU: Weekly songwriting tips, prompts, and inspiration to help you write your songs.
Each week, you get one simple idea to help you move forward in your desire to write songs. Straight to your phone via text message.
It might be the thing to get you started on a new song… or how you discover a way to make progress on something you’re already working on.
This is not a “course.” It’s a push, an assist, a lift… a simple and ongoing thing you can actually DO in your songwriting process!
Sign up today to give yourself an extra lift in your creative pursuits. Now is the time to make what you want to make. Your tomorrow is now your today. These prompts will help you make your way forward.
Just $3/mo or $25/year. Cancel any time. The first month is completely free. You become a songwriter by writing songs. Take the best shot you can to write songs you love.